What is this?

Divine Feminine is the divine creative energy of the Universe. It is the essence of the Goddess archetype – divine, unwavering in its power, and with infinite possibilities. In many spiritual and indigenous practices, She is viewed as the source of all creation, the generative soul of the universe, and the source of spiritual guidance and healing. Her energies are an invitation to reconnect with the sacred and reclaim our intuitive power as divinely creative and connected being. She is the embodiment of unconditional love, seeing the beauty and truth in each one of us and offering countless opportunities for growth and transformation.

See also: sacred feminine, mythic masculine, eco-feminist, iron john, mary magdalene

Metamodern Spirituality | The Animate Everything (w/ Sophie Strand) 6,362

IAN MACKENZIE & SOPHIE STRAND: Composting the Mycelial Masculine 528

On Mycelium, Compost, and Animate Sensibilities: A Conversation With Sophie Strand 278

Rewilding Myths with Ecology with Sophie Strand 224

The Portal of the Divine Feminine with Sophie Strand 212

The Mycelium Explored: Merlin Sheldrake and Sophie Strand 128

Myth, Mycelium and Masculinity with Sophie Strand | Sacred Sons Podcast | FULL EPISODE 10